31 March 2011

Tacky Star : Changes anew

Alright, so I have been MASSIVELY naughty about updating this blog; however, I am getting my ass in gear to do it. Tacky Star will be undergoing a ton of changes over the next couple of months. They are changes that I am super pumped about, although, they look to be daunting as all hell. That's ok. I am always up for a challenge.

The first big change you will see are a bunch of retirement notices. Never fear! The Tacky Star line will remain true to its core, but we have to throw out the old to make way for the new. The first round we have on the way out is the Tacky Star Gift Set line. No real sense in it now that Linden Labs has seen fit to correct the Marketplace into a nicely designed merchant hut of win. Anyway, here is the chopping board line up:

Tacky Star @ Lilith

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