25 March 2009

Damn, I am behind

I am super behind in my "New Offering" posts, so yall are going to have fun with this one!

First up, we have an oldie-but-goodie called "Green Hazelnut." This was one of the first sets that I made, and as such, it does not have the full 12 pack of options. It is only 35L for that reason, but I think there are 9 eyes that come with it, including the all important 'no vein' options. Lookie, lookie!

Second, we have yet another green eye called "Emerald Alishia." This was a commission of sorta and kinda as that Final Fantasy VII mako feel to it, if you know what I mean. See?

The next eye I am working on will include a scripted glow prim to pump it up. Here are the first two shots of the Repo-inspired Zydrate eye.

Pop over to the main shop and pick up any of these if you want: Tacky Star Mainstore.

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